Check out all the commands you can use! Keep in mid that +sb is the default trigger and it may change across servers.
+sbadmin: Show Admin-Only help page

+sbhowto: Learn how to play

+sbprivacy: Read our Privacy Policy

+sbping: Check the bot's latency

+sbstatus: Check the status of our services
+sbtrick: Trick our spooky friends and get candy

+sbtreat: Treat our spooky friends and get candy

⭐ +sbfly: Fly away with The Witch and get candy
+sbleader: Shows the top 10 users with the most candies

+sbscore: Check out your own score and current position on the leaderboard

+sbscore @username: Check the mentioned user's score

+sbstats: Check server and global stats
+sbrip @username: See the mentioned user's grave

+sbask <question>: Ask Boo Bot a question

⭐ +sbhaunt @username: Haunt someone and get candy

⭐ +sbcards: Find the Fortune Teller's card and get candy
Go Premium and unlock the spooky fun with Boo Bot! Here's what you get:

🔸 Automatic drops by chat activity and the opportunity to fly away with The Witch (which will give you more candies)! Otherwise you'd have to type in a command to make our spooky friends appear.

🔸More Fun commands: Including find, fly, rip and haunt that will let everyone in your server get more candies!

🔸 More control: Give or remove candies, give or remove poisoned candies, change bot's prefix and change for how long the drops stay visible and disable commands.

🔸 Get dedicated and personalized help in our Support Server straight from the Dev!
Check out all the commands only Admins can use! Keep in mid that +sb is the default trigger and it may change across servers.
+sbsetup #ChannelMention: Setup the channel the bot is going to use. You can't use the bot without setting up a channel

+sbdrop: Make a spooky friend show up. People with
Manage_Messages permission can use this command

+sbenable-<ask,cards,haunt,rip>: Enable a command. You can enable one command per use

+sbdisable-<ask,cards,haunt,rip>: Disable a command. You can disable one command per use

+sbenables: Check the status of enabled or disabled commands

⭐ Automatic Drops by Chat Activity including The Witch

⭐ +sbprefix <NewPrefix>: Change Bot's prefix

⭐ +sbgive-candy @username <amount>: Give candy to the mentioned user

⭐ +sbgive-poison @username <amount>: Give poisoned candy to the mentioned user

⭐ +sbremove-candy @username <amount>: Remove candy from the mentioned user

⭐ +sbremove-poison @username <amount>: Remove poisoned candy from the mentioned user.
Check out our commands list below.
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2020 - 2022 © KerBots, Santa Bot (Boo Bot)
Created with
👻 by Ker.
boo! bot
Unlock the festive fun with Premium!

Donate for Premium and support our work! You'll get some extra perks by donating.